🎒 Schools of Serbia

Guiding You Through Serbian Education.

Hi, we are the creators of the Serbian Schools project, Konstantin and Pavel. We help parents to understand how schools are organized in Serbia and to choose the one that is right for your family.

On this site, we collect useful information about Serbian education. A school map of Belgrade and Novi Sad with addresses and answers to the most frequently asked questions from parents is already available.

It's also a convenient place to choose a consultation: free if you need answers to a couple of questions, or paid, where we'll discuss your situation and think about specific solutions for your family.

Parents for Parents

We know first-hand what it is like to move to another country and adapt to a new education system. We help parents understand Serbian education and choose the school that is right for their family.

  • Konstantin

    Knows the educational system inside out.

    Lives in Belgrade. Raises a 3-year-old son. Education: Moscow State University, University of Sheffield, Stanford Graduate School of Education. History teacher and methodologist, teacher training.

    Worked at Letovo school since its foundation, Lyceum of the National Research University of Higher Education HSE, European Gymnasium, Arzamas.Academy, Yandex.Practicum.

  • Pavel

    Loves to collect and process large data sets.

    Lives in Novi Sad. Raises two sons, aged 8 and 11. Education: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, PhD in Physics. Entrepreneur, CTO. Y-Combinator Alum.

    Founder Eyrene, ex-Airbus, MIPT, Skoltech.

Get expert help

“Konstantin did a great job answering my questions and giving an overall "bird's-eye view" of the schools in Belgrade, focusing on English-language institutions but covering others as well. We now know which schools to consider and which to avoid, which is a significant help. We even rated the schools for quality of education. While it's understood that these ratings are subjective, I trust Konstantin's comprehensive understanding of Belgrade's schools based on many indirect signs. For example, some of his ratings matched another expert in Novi Sad. Thanks for the consultation; I’m very satisfied, leaving with all my questions answered a clear understanding, and peace of mind 🙏🏻.”

Planning to move to Serbia with their 12-year-old son.

It is not easy to understand the new education system. You have to dig through a lot of information on your own, assess its reliability and relate it to your own experience.

These are just some of the questions about education that parents in a new country are asking:

  • How are Serbian schools structured?
  • How does Serbian education differ from education in other countries?
  • What private and public schools are there in Serbia and how do they differ?
  • How do I find reliable information about a particular school?
  • How do I choose a school that is right for my kid?
  • How do I prepare to learn in a foreign language environment?
  • How to enroll, and more importantly, successfully continue your studies in a Serbian school?

We will answer these questions and support you in the difficult choice of a school for your child. Our extensive experience in the education sector, advanced algorithms for searching and processing information, and a network of local experts and school specialists will help us to do this.

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Real stories from amazing families.

“When planning a move, you realize that in the new place you will need to rebuild the entire family infrastructure: schools, clubs, daycare, and a social circle for yourself and your children. You will need to learn a new language and the whole family will have to adapt to the new environment. All of this causes anxiety and raises many questions. To address questions related to education, we consulted with Konstantin and gained a good understanding of the educational options for schoolchildren in Belgrade. He explained how education is structured in public and private primary schools, how to choose the right school, where they are located, and what to consider when making a choice. We learned about the advantages and challenges of each option, what to focus on initially, and what can be addressed later after adapting. Konstantin also provided advice on how to ease the adaptation process for the child. Konstantin works within the Serbian education system, so he knows a lot from the inside, which is a significant advantage for us. He thoroughly answered all our questions and provided links and recommendations. Now we have a clear understanding of what to consider when choosing a school and how to plan our next steps. We are very satisfied with the consultation and happy to have met him!”

Planning a move with children aged 5 and 8.

“I am grateful to Pavel and Konstantin for their consultation and valuable recommendations. Our eldest daughter spent a year at a private gymnasium in Novi Sad, and neither she nor we were satisfied with the quality of education. In the spring, we faced the urgent question of which secondary school to transfer her to in order to complete her education. We had several options, but it was unclear which one was the best choice or if there were other secondary schools in Novi Sad that would suit us in terms of level, focus, and budget. Pavel and Konstantin thoroughly analyzed the situation, provided clear and well-founded answers to our questions, and suggested other gymnasiums that might be suitable. They also shared their opinions on which options they thought were preferable. Along the way, we received advice and useful information on extracurricular art education for our younger son. We especially appreciated their attention to the children's interests and talents, as well as the specific steps proposed to achieve their educational goals.”

Living in Novi Sad with children aged 13 and 17.

“We are moving to Serbia with our two daughters (11 and 14 years old). Finding reliable information about schools in chat groups was challenging due to the many conflicting opinions. Konstantin, a teacher at a Serbian school, helped us make sense of the situation. He provided detailed information about both public and private schools in Serbia. Thanks to his professionalism and deep insider knowledge of the system, we were able to choose the best option for our family during our conversation. Konstantin suggested several excellent private national schools and clearly explained the differences between them.”

Is moving to Serbia with our children, aged 11 and 14.

“Excellent service from schools.rs! I especially want to highlight the help we received from Konstantin. Choosing a school for our first grader was a real challenge for our family, especially in a new country. Despite our experience in Russia, we had many questions. Konstantin helped us understand the education system, identify the pros and cons, and know what to pay attention to. Thanks to his expertise, we were able to choose several private schools that met our requirements and budget. He not only helped us select a particular school but also gave us valuable advice on what was best for our child. I believe a consultation with Konstantin is essential for education matters. It’s not just about choosing a school but also about navigating the complex educational process and finding peace of mind. Thanks to his knowledge and experience, we were able to make an informed decision for our child's benefit.”

Relocated to Belgrade with 6 years old son.

“When we decided to move to Serbia, our main question was: How do we find a good school for two teenagers who don't know Serbian? We had a lot of questions: Where should we look for schools? How do they differ? How can we ensure the school provides a good education and the kids can enter a European university? What is the education system in Serbia like? We found ourselves overwhelmed with questions and no answers. I subscribed to many channels that offered different, sometimes contradictory, information. My head was spinning, and we still didn't have any solutions. Then, in one of the chats, someone recommended Konstantin, a knowledgeable person with extensive experience in education. We bombarded him with all our questions, and after a call, we had all the possible enrollment options for the kids. Now we have a clear understanding and a plan of action. Thank you so much, Konstantin!”

Relocates to Belgrade with children 14 and 15 years old.

“Before moving to Novi Sad, I reached out to Pavel, who had already lived there for a year. We didn't want to send our eldest son to a private school but were concerned that adaptation would be more challenging in a public school. Pavel shared his experience, helped us contact several good schools in Novi Sad, and explained all the nuances of enrolment. Recently, we received confirmation from the school that my son can start studying in September. Over the summer, we will learn Serbian with a tutor who prepared Pavel's children for school.”

Moved to Novi Sad with children 3 and 6 years old.

“Our move to Serbia was challenging, especially with two school-age children. Friends recommended we reach out to Konstantin because of his extensive experience in education. We are very grateful to him for his help! With his assistance, we quickly chose a school, completed all the necessary arrangements, prepared the documents, and enrolled our children. They have now been studying for a year and are very happy. Thank you so much, Konstantin!”

Moved to Novi Sad with children 6 and 10 years old.

Services & Prices

We will refund your money if you are not satisfied.

School Map


The map shows schools in Belgrade and Novi Sad, along with their addresses and useful contacts. It is constantly updated with new school data and is always free of charge.

Open map



Email us what you want to know about Serbian education, and we will answer within 1-3 days. If the questions require a more detailed understanding of your situation or you want to discuss them in real-time, we will offer you a consultation.

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In a 60-minute video consultation, we can discuss any questions you may have. You will receive a written follow-up and the opportunity to ask clarifying questions in the chat room.

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Tailored school selection and educational strategy

from €200

We will call you to learn more about your situation and answer any questions you may have about schools in Serbia. Within three days of the call, you will receive a personalized report with a shortlist of schools and a specific admission and preparation strategy.

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Recently Updated Articles

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Is Serbian school education any good?

We explore how Serbian schools are performing in teaching mathematics and English, and what conclusions parents can draw.

Pavlo Boyko · 5 minute read

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+381 62 848 9152
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